Change Ubuntu Server Timezone

One simple command to change Ubuntu servers timezone to your local timezone

If you are using a Ubuntu VPS or dedicated server, then you may have noticed emails coming from server doesn’t match your local timezone.

Below are 2 methods to quickly fix this issue…

Method#1 – Interactive Mode

Just run following command…

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

and it will show a list of timezone from where you can select your timezone

Method#2 – Non-Interactive mode

In this method you need to provide value of timezone manually.You can find timezone values here.

sudo echo "Asia/Kolkata" > /etc/timezone
sudo dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata

After running above command I got following output:

Current default time zone: 'Asia/Kolkata'
Local time is now: Thu Jul 12 18:56:32 IST 2012.
Universal Time is now: Thu Jul 12 13:26:32 UTC 2012.

Why 2 methods?

Non-interactive way comes handy if you want to change timezone programatically. 😉