End of Orkuts Status Update Message Image Hack!

Over the last two weeks, Orkut status update message image hack created a lot of buzz. Few orkut users including me, used orkut medal images to make profile look Orkut certified. But as with many other hacks, this also stopped working now.

Official emoticons still work but they now uses orkut custom codes, something which should have been done in the first place!

Anyway I also hope all other tag which was waiting for an XSS attack also fixed now and our safety is restored on orkut, at least for next few days!

The purpose of informing you about this via a separate blog post is that do not fall for spam scraps on orkut which will start claiming about similar hacks soon. Just don’t waste anytime of this bug. Its done! if it comes again we will inform you.

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Related: Details of Fixed Orkut Status Update Hack


Pavan Kumar July 4, 2008

And finally, I am sad that I did not give it a try….

Rahul Bansal July 4, 2008

Don’t worry… Considering orkuts history of bugs, we will have something new and exciting soon! 😉