Would you like to clean up your profile? [Facebook Asked Finally!]

Just read on my own profile page,

You have 40 boxes added to your profile page. To help you keep your profile uncluttered, we’ve created an extended portion of your profile. You and your friends will be able to click through at any time to see the boxes you move to the extended portion of your profile.

Means all the buzz in last month about facebooks anti-spam feature against their very own facebook application turn out to be true!

I have seen following when i checked my facebook page…


When I clicked on Move To Extended Profile Button all junk just disappeared! HooRaY!!!

But wait where it gone… ??? :O

Now at the bottom of every facebook profile you can see a link like below…


Yep! The useless boxes doesn’t get load anymore without your permission!

Good move from facebook as it saves lots of my bandwidth! ๐Ÿ˜‰

[Edit]#Wait there is something bad with the way this feature implemented: ()

This extended profile concept is limited to your profile only! Means extended profile setting will not apply to all facebook profiles. So you can unclutter your profile for your friends but have to face all of the shit from them if they choose not to care about cleaning their profiles!

I guess facebook can do better by giving user a choice to make EXTENDED PROFILE VIEW is default across whole facebook. So whenever a user goes to any profile, by default only small and important portion will be loaded and rest will be waiting in extended profile. This way facebook will look more personalized and also lots of time & bandwidth will be saved for users as well as facebook! ๐Ÿ™‚

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