5 Best News Aggregators To Keep Yourself Updated

The web contains millions of blogs, so what’s the best way to look up latest news, everything on one single page? Here are 5 awesome news aggregators which do the work for you. Read on!

Note that, by news aggregators I don’t mean feed readers like Google Reader, Feedly etc., instead I mean the services which grab and show trending links.

#1. Google News

One of the most used news aggregators, Google News covers news of all kinds gathering posts from 4,500 sites. It has great options for customization, you can add custom news topics, add news sources you like and more. Another cool new feature is, Badges, the more you read the more badges you get which you can certainly show to your friends.

Link: Google News

#2. Techmeme

Getting featured on Techmeme is like a dream for every tech blogger. It’s totally confined to technology, great for tech enthusiasts. Unlike Google News, you get everything on one single page. They also have a mobile optimized site so you can catch news on the go.

Link: Techmeme

#3. Popurls

Popurls is more than a news aggregator (we did a full review, back in 2008), apart from the fact that it has dedicated apps for iOS, Android, Blackberry and more, it also has other services in its network like PopShuffle which randomly opens popular links. You can signup with Google/Open ID and get access to customization features.

Link: Popurls

#4. News Map

A flash based news aggregator, great for looking up world news, again, it shows everything on one page. It is actually based on Google News but shows the content more visually, looks great on wide screen computers.

Link: News Map

#5. Twitter

Last but not the least, who can I forget Twitter? Keep an eye on Twitter trends and make sure you follow the right people (or bots) to get the news you want. You can also make use of Twitter lists, one of the most overlooked features of Twitter, to build lists of Twitter handles of BBC, CNN etc. for more organized way to follow news.

Twitter Search is great for looking up news of live events, Twitter also has an official search addon for Firefox and in Chrome, you can manually add Twitter to the list of search engines.

Check out these tools and do tell us what’s your favorite news aggregator.

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