Publicly share your email address without being spammed

Create safe and short URLs of your Email address for privacy with which allows one to create a short url of your email address and hence makes it safer to use it on social networks or public forums.

In the days of Twitter and Facebook taking over our lives one thing that we still use as much if not more than say 5 years ago is Email. A lot of people are using their email a lot more even though email was supposed to die in the past few years thanks to the rise of social networks.

This makes sharing your email address a little risky as it can often mean you will receive untold amounts of spam from various internet marketeers selling you all kinds of unwanted products. allows creating our email address into short URLs so it can be shared without the spam bots picking it up.


  • Type in your email and create a short url automatically. I could also create customized short URLs for protecting my email id.
  • You can share this URL on Twitter, Facebook or even in a HTML document.
  • Once someone clicks on the short URL, he/she will be taken to the website where your email address can be revealed.

This is a pretty decent way to keep your email address safe. I have earlier used and written about self destructing emails but that is good only if you want to not let even the recipient your email id. With I can share my email address without worrying about some bot picking it up and spamming my Inbox to glory.

If you know any more tips or similar services do share by dropping in your comments.


Anshul Dixit May 11, 2010

That’s a good way of protecting your e-mail id. Another way is to use email id as an image, as is done by Facebook.

Aditya Kane May 11, 2010

Yes creating an image is also handy but this would be more useful as the URL is customizable so we can remember it easily to keep sharing it

Agent Deepak | Blogging, Marketing & Success May 12, 2010

you can host the pic on your own blog. pic url will be like

Was that difficult to remember.

Puneet May 12, 2010

Cool Service to get rid of spam

Techgyo May 12, 2010

Thats a good idea intead of using [@] he he . Good one

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