All about Facebook’s new Graph Search

Facebook is all set to introduce a new feature and completely change the way we search for people and stuff on it. It is the Facebook’s new “Graph Search”. Since Facebook is huge and there are more than a billion people and more than 240 billion photos on it, so “Graph Search” will allow users to find people with similar interests like music, places, food, sports e.t.c. According to Facebook “The first version of Graph Search focuses on four main areas — people, photos, places, and interests.” Let’s see how to search for something on it and how to get your beta version.

How to use Facebook’s Graph Search?

This Graph Search seems like (not exactly same) a text version of Apple’s Siri. You can search for people, photos, places, interests and make new connections. Once you start typing it automatically suggests relevant content in a drop down list. You can filter your results using tools on the right sidebar of search results page. Check out some example of searches below:

  • People who like tennis and live nearby.
  • Photos before 1990.
  • Photos of my friends in New York.
  • Sushi restaurants in Palo Alto my friends have liked.
  • Tourist attractions in Italy visited by my friends.

How Graph Search works?

Graph Search looks for search results based on your friend’s posts shared with you or post from other people on Facebook who shared it publicly with everyone. That means search results will be different for different users. Facebook made it very clear that no private posts will be shown in the search results.

Also there will be no change in your current privacy settings. If you don’t want to share your posts like location, tags or posts you can change it on your Activity Log.

When you can start using it?

Currently beta version of “Graph Search” is out but it is available to a small number of people who are using Facebook in English (US). If you wish to use the beta version you can join the waiting list. Open this page and click “Join Waiting List” at the bottom of page.


facebook graph search screenshots

Quick Links:

  • To join the waiting list, click here.
  • To try it now and see how Privacy works with Graphs, click here.

Don’t forget to share your views with us on Facebook Graph Search. 🙂


gaurav January 16, 2013

this is another great feature by facebook.
thanks for sharing this nice information with us.

sauravjit January 17, 2013

Your welcome ! 🙂

piyush goyal January 18, 2013

It is a great feature of facebook i like that
thanx for explaination of this graph

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