Fiverr launches native app for Android devices

Fiverr, the platform that allows people to buy/sell services for $5, now has its own Android app. You can browse Gigs and buy them on the go.

Fiverr for Android is now available. You can grab it from the Google Play store.

If you didn’t know, Fiverr is a platform for people to buy/sell micro jobs. You can hire people who are willing to do something for $5. Also, you can sell your own services for $5.

Fiverr has been available on the iOS platform since last December. It is the first time it has come to the Android world.

Based on first impressions, the app is beautifully coded. It has a menu section in the left side and there, you’ll find your Inbox, Collections, Sales, Shopping and Notifications.

The app offers options to quickly purchase your favorite Gigs and also notifies you whenever a buyer contacts you or when there is an update to your sale.

It comes with a search box too, to help you find the Gig that you need among the millions that are available.

Sadly, there isn’t an option to create your Gigs. For creating Gigs, you’ll have to visit the Fiverr website on your mobile or desktop browser.

Link: Fiverr for Android

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