Google releases YouTube Capture for iPhone enabling quick video sharing

A new app by Google called YouTube Capture allows users to shoot videos and share them quickly before the moment is gone. The app is available only on iOS at the moment.

While there’s Instagram for quick photo sharing, there’s isn’t such a product for video sharing. Though YouTube is available on mobiles, the process of uploading videos from the app isn’t streamlined, and hence Google has released YouTube Capture.

The whole point of the app is to shoot videos and share them quickly before the moment is gone, because – you know, life’s fast.

The process is really straight forward – you open the app, shoot a video, after which you add a caption and share it among social networks (here you can actually share it on Facebook and Twitter, not just Google+).

There are few neat features included like video stabilisation which will be really useful for editing shaky videos. There’s also colour correction and ability to add free background music.

Too much iOS love?

One thing which has surprised me a bit is that, Android version of YouTube Capture is yet to come – Google has confirmed that in their blog post. With updated Google search, Gmail, Google Maps and now YouTube Capture, iOS seems to be getting a lot of Google love, lately.

Try out the app and tell us what you think.

Link: YouTube Capture

One Comment

Ashish December 22, 2012

Cool.. but i thought that google must be a little cross with apple as u know… apple discarded google maps

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