Google cleans up Android by removing 60,000 Apps and redesigns Play Store

Google removes 60,000 apps from Google Play for a cleaner and less spammy experiance. Google also has now rolled out a new design for Google Play

Google has announced a new card based design for Google Play. The new design for Google Play Store, shows larger images for highlighting apps, continuously shows new recommendations and more has also made purchasing and paying for apps and content easier.

 With 700,000 apps on Play Store, it becomes a little difficult for users to navigate and find the best apps for their Android phones. Also there are many apps which are malicious and also untrustworthy on Android. This is one place where Apple’s app store is better as the apps that are listed go through a rigorous process of approval.

But lately Google seems to be getting its act together.

Google deletes 60,000 apps from Play Store

According to TechCrunch, Google has done a bit of clean up of Android apps by deleting over 60,000 apps from the Play Store. That is a big number and if the number of apps are at 700,000 then its amounts to over 8% of the total apps being removed.

That is a big clean up and it is understandable move by Google. It wants to make Google Play as a big revenue earner for selling content like movies, books and music. So it will need Google Play to be a trustworthy brand which deletes spammy or malicious apps.

Related: How to use Entropay’s Virtual Credit Card to buy apps on Google Play

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