Google Plus gets Twitter like Verified Sign for Celebrities!

When Google created their new social network Google+, they borrowed a major feature of Twitter. It was allowing users to follow other users without the need of other users following back. This obviously leads to fake accounts of celebrities and sometimes some celebs might have common names.

For example, there could be many people named Larry Page. Twitter solves this problem with profile verification. A simple tick mark that shows the account is the real deal.

Google+ has now borrowed this verified sign for popular accounts.


Google is verifying accounts of celebrities and public figures. They are also adding people who are being added to a lot of ‘Circles’. Google also suggests that the “verification” could be expanded to other accounts in the future.

Here is video on Google+ Verification for profiles.

I am sure a lot of bloggers with online presence who are not exactly celebrities would like to verify their profiles on Google+. What are your views? Do drop in your comments.

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