Keep a watch on backlinks to your blog

If you are a blogger or running a website and looking to drive traffic to it, there is hardly a chance you have not heard of backlinks and chances are you tryout various tactics and implement long term strategies to build a decent number of backlinks from prestigious websites.

For the uninitiated, backlink is a link to your website from another one. In search engine context a backlink is taken as a vote by one website to another. Majority of articles written on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will basically tell you ways to improve the number of backlinks to your website. This in a way gives a higher page rank to your website and hence ends up helping drive traffic to your website.

In such a scenario keeping a watch on backlinks to your website is quite important. Backlink Watch allows you to do just that.


About Backlink Watch

  • Just enter the URL of the website you are looking up and it gives your a list of all the backlinks to the website.
  • It also gives you a total number of backlinks to the URL along with which website along with its exact URL which has given this backlink to the URL.
  • It also shows abnormal flags like nofollow on the backlink.
  • It also shows for every backlink the total number of Outbound link (OBL). OBL are the total external links on the backlink giving website.

Looking up this list of backlinks would be a great way to help you realise what exactly is being recommended by other websites. Picking it up as your strength you can work on similar content or adding to previous content to increase the chances of getting more backlinks based on content rather just various strategies.

Hope you find this information useful and let me know if there are any other similar website. Do drop in your comments. 😉

Link: Backlink Watch


KnowledgeHub January 11, 2010

That’s a nice piece of information that will definitely help us.
Btw Aditya if you can do a post on basics of backlinks it’ll be very useful for new bloggers as they don’t have idea how to create one and how useful it could be..

Rishabh Agarwal January 11, 2010

Damn! Although great thing, but it’s terribly slow

mansingh January 12, 2010

great thing
but its quite slow

Amandeep Singh @equitipz January 13, 2010

I also used it … the tool is awesome but i also felt that it is too slow. It tested my patience 🙂

NPXP March 26, 2010

Seems like the daily quota is over with Backlinkwatch :p

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