Microsoft to Retire Live Messenger & Migrate All Users to Skype on April 8

Microsoft will start retiring Live Messenger from April 8 and prompt desktop users to upgrade their messenger to Skype. The migration will mean the end of Live Messenger for good.

Microsoft has started the inevitable process of retiring Live Messenger software. Along with that they are pushing users to move over to Skype. Apparently Microsoft Live Messenger will in all probability be retired for good and it will require all of them to start using Skype.

Microsoft bought Skype back in mid-2011. Since then, there have been enough indications that Skype would be preferred as a messenger of choice by Microsoft instead of its Live Messenger. The option to integrate Skype account with Live ID has been around for a while.

I checked the Live Messenger page and it also prompts users to download Skype.

It was not exactly clear when Microsoft would pull the plug on Live Messenger once and for all. But it seems that date will be April 8. Skype’s blog suggests that it will be the date when desktop upgrades from Live Messenger to Skype will take place. That basically means if you are using Live Messenger on your desktop, you will be asked to upgrade straight-away.

In other words, the number of regular Live Messenger users will suddenly go down to zero.

If you are not living in China (where Live Messenger will continue) you might find the link below helpful for migrating from Live ID to Skype.

Link: Migrate from Live ID to Skype

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