Open Letter to Google: Please Buy Delicious from Yahoo!

Dear Google,

There are many geeks around the world and one thing almost every geek has is an active Delicious account to mark up his favourite webpages. Yes, it is the only online service which is owned by Yahoo and a tech lover actually cares about. Not to forget your own Google Bookmarks is not really making waves.

The worse part is Yahoo seems to want to kill off and get rid of anything that really we are interested in. (We = Tech lovers)

We all know that Yahoo will probably crash and burn bit by bit over the next 5-10 years. Why not salvage some of it and give it the Google treatment. Many services like YouTube, which you acquired, have become iconic names on the internet. Please make sure that Delicious does not crash and burn along with Yahoo or worse get acquired by Facebook and become trivial. 😉

Delicious should be cheap!

Considering that Google had plans to shell out $2.5 Billion to buy Twitter, I think acquiring Delicious could be much cheaper. Anywhere around a $100 million should be fine considering Yahoo bought it for around $15-30 million. Also Delicious has around 200 million bookmarks and we all know that the truly important stuff online is bookmarked and not shared on Facebook or Twitter. This might give you amazing access and ideal data to tweak your search engine results a little more to make a real killing.

Yours Truly,

A Delicious User and Google Fan.


Anshul Dixit December 18, 2010

Another good one man !!

Aditya Kane December 18, 2010

Thanks Anshul!

Luca December 20, 2010

I subscribe. Dear Google, buy delicius and make it searchable, not only in my own tags, but also in contents of my bookmarked pages, so I can spend less time in creating remindable tags (I always fail in this task). Please, give me a rich SERP with thumb previews (ref. delish client for delicious:

Aditya Kane December 29, 2010

Interesting points Luca. Thanks

Amandeep Singh December 20, 2010

haha… thats the most sincere advice that Google can make use of 😀

Gourav Jain December 20, 2010

Awesome Aditya !!!!

Aditya Kane December 29, 2010


Sunny D'Souza December 20, 2010

Yeah, I too believe delicious should end up in some good hands. i dont understand the reason behind yahoo selling it off anyways. I mean are they crazy??

Really man, you are right, every techie has a delicious accoutn to store their precious bookmarks.

In fact it was one of the first firefox plugins I installed on my firefox browser 🙂

Aditya Kane December 20, 2010

I do not think Yahoo is doing anything right in the past few years. The way Geocities collapsed after Yahoo took over, I rather have them sell off Delicious to someone who will truly value it. 🙂

Aditya Kane December 20, 2010

@Luca: Good points,
@Amandeep Singh: Yes, it was meant as a really sincere advice/plea. I do not want to see Delicious go the GeoCities way at all.
@Gourav Jain: Thanks

Rakesh @ Wizard Journal December 22, 2010

Hehe, i hope they listen to you Aditya, I like too.

Aditya Kane December 23, 2010

We all like Delcious. Especially as it is more about storing rather than sharing.

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