Pope John Paul II gets a Facebook Page

All you people who thought or said that Facebook is not good, look who is about to get a Facebook page now! Yes, Pope John Paul II will have a facebook page dedicated all to himself soon.

All you people who thought or said that Facebook is not good, look who is about to get a Facebook page now! Yes, Pope John Paul II has a Facebook Page dedicated all to himself.

The site, which will link to video highlights of John Paul’s 27-year papacy, is designed to promote the May 1 beatification. But it may well continue beyond given the global and enduring interest in the late pontiff, Vatican officials told The Associated Press.The portal will tell us all about Vatican city from various sources like Vatican Radio, Vatican Television, the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, the Holy See’s press office and Fides, the Vatican’s missionary news agency.

Pope Benedict thinks that Facebook forms a community, it helps people to communicate and interact. With a Facebook page anyone can communicate with people on a wider horizon. Here, this page may serve as a journal of what is happening in the Vatican city. I think this is a great idea. Everyone should bring technology to their lives one day or the other and using Facebook for interacting with people can be a good way to do so.

Here, have a look at the Pope’s page. People can leave comments for him in his memory. This is an interesting way for the Vatican to tap into social media and interact with people. What do you think about this step? Share your view with me on this.

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