Online Tool To Check Your Twitter Accounts Retweet Stats!

A quick glance on your Twitter account might give you some idea, which accounts on Twitter you most interact with. For instance I tend to retweet a lot of tweets from this blog’s feed. A lot of blogger friends of mine who interact with me a lot but use ‘RT’ instead of the retweet feature.

Retweets are important social signals. It means that many people like your content. It also could mean a higher rank for your tweet when someone searches on a topic on which you tweeted about.

So it would be useful to find some information based on how often and how many retweets you get from your followers.


Retweet Stats Features

  • Visit Retweet Stats and link-up your Twitter account to it. The website will look through all the data from your Twitter account.
  • Information can be viewed in three sections. The first one shows all the tweets with how many of them have retweets. Click on of them and you get information like how many people follow the accounts which shared your tweet.
  • Also you can check all the most retweeted updates from your account.
  • You can also check all the account you retweet the most on your account.

I find Retweet Stats, a good place to look up and check if you are actually just sharing a lot with a lot of followers or actually engaging with your Twitter followers.

If you want to make your Twitter account more efficient, you might want to check these 3 online tools to clean up your Twitter account.

Try out Retweet Stats and drop in your comments.

Link: Retweet Stats


sai February 5, 2012

hai adity , Retweet is very nice tool :)you are really inspiring .. you written 1060 articles for devils work shop 🙂

Aditya Kane February 6, 2012

Thanks Sai. 🙂

dev July 19, 2012

Awesome brother.. ..good job

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