Look up, Like and Share your favourite status messages with ‘likethisstatusand’

I came across this website today that is totally on status updates. Here, there are a number of 'Like this status update and...' status messages. You can copy them, reply to them or just share it with your friends. You can also submit your status update and see how many people copy or like it. :)

I came across this website today that is totally on status updates. Here, there are a number of ‘Like this status update and…’ status messages. You can copy them, reply to them or just share it with your friends. You can also submit your status update and see how many people copy or like it. 🙂

I used one status update from there and got so many likes. I enjoyed that a lot. The website was launched on 1/11/11, so its pretty new but interesting.

As you have seen earlier also that status updates affect a lot of people on Facebook. Imagine a nice status and lots of likes with comments. Its like a place to chat with friends or get info about them. 🙂

Just copy the status message and paste it on your Facebook profile. It is so easy to start a conversation these days due to Facebook. 🙂 Start yours and tell me how did it go. If you like cracking a joke online through Facebook this might be a good way to share it. Do drop in your comments.

Link: likethisstatusand

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