The Longest Facebook Wall in the World !

We all enjoy writing on Facebook's wall, what if there is a real wall and you could write on it. :) McCollins Media has launched an application named as longest Facebook wall.

We all enjoy writing on Facebook’s wall, what if there is a real wall and you could write on it. 🙂 McCollins Media has launched an application named as longest Facebook wall.

The aim of launching  this is to highlight the onset of Social Media (Marketing) and its importance in brand communications. McCollins Media have created this application named as the longest Facebook wall. This application will be available for 2 months. After two months McCollins will achieve new heights by flying a life-size print all over Dubai in a helicopter.

All people who have registered for this application, their names with profile photo will be printed on a life-size photo and will be shown all over Dubai on a helicopter. Wow, this sounds amazing! This application was released on 8 March, so we have time till 8 May. Go to this link and click on Facebook connect. Your photo will be printed on the Facebook wall.

Well, I am going to add my picture on a Facebook wall, hurry up and do the same! Let me know when you are done. 🙂

Link: Longest Facebook Wall

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