Tips to Be Powerful In Mafia War

Mafia Wars on Facebook

Mafia War is another game developed by Zynga and is second to only Farmville. Its a game about being a Don in the Mafia world and win all fight we attend. To be a powerful in Mafia war, we first need to recruit others but how?

  • The first step in Mafia War is to recruit a massive number of players instantly by joining mafia wars group. To do so just search “mafia wars” on Facebook search at right hand corner.
  • Second buy bulk properties at once. If you buy one at a time, you need to pay more. Try to do some calculation. You also need care while buying weapons. Try to buy weapons from limited edition loots which seems often cheap and good. E.g. Bullet Proof Vest instead of Body Armor which requires an upkeep of $400.
  • Max all the job tiers to unlock the bonus items and deposit your money so that you will safe from get stolen.
  • Too many mafia friends in your friend list? Create a friend list and collate all the mafia friends into that list. It would be neater that way and you can’t help your mafia friends when they request for help out in game, unless they’re in your friend list.
  • Join the mafia mailing list to receive limited time items, rewards, updates, offers!
  • Collect all the collectible so that you can unlock hidden stats point from the Collection and Vaults section.
  • And finally enjoy the game and give a time to work around.

Hopefully following these points you will soon become very powerful in Mafia Wars. If I am missing something, do let me know through your comments. 😀


Richie S. December 23, 2009

LOL. Some people could be misled by the title, may think this is something related to the real gang wars!

rajeelkp December 27, 2009

Great tips yaar, btw, i’m thinking of making a post by adding some more tips with this

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