Use Google Docs without Gmail account for 24 hours

Google Docs is favorite of mine and pretty much to the extent that I did not bother to install Microsoft Office. With the newer format and re-design of Google Docs I pretty much think there is very little difference between Google Docs and its paid alternatives.

But to get more customers and newer customers to get interested in using Docs, Google has a demo page which allows for creating documents which are automatically saved for upto 24 hours and with no need to sign in to a Google account.

  • The best part of this is on the top right corner is a URL where the Google Document is stored.
  • Only Text documents, spread sheets, drawing documents can be created and shared with a temporary URL.
  • I personally do not think Text documents are of any real value if its being saved only for 24 hours but spreadsheets with formulas and interesting flow chart diagrams with Google Drawings.

Do try out Google Docs Demo and let me know if saving temporary documents will be useful for you? Do drop in your comments.


Gautam June 5, 2010

Everyone has a Google Account these days, and if not, most of them are signing up on it.

Aditya Kane June 5, 2010

Considerable number of people have Google accounts but there is still a huge number of people with Gmail accounts who have not even heard of Google Docs. This link is probably a helpful way to get them interested. After all when Chromium OS releases Google will need more people using Docs than they are now.

ѕяιηιναѕ June 6, 2010

Well lets hope Docs get poular to the extent that people stop using MS Office for good.
Open Office is a better free Offline Alternative !!

Ricky June 6, 2010

google doc is really helpful for ppl like me who are used to shared document among group of ppl.

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