Find Interesting “Nearby” Landmarks with Wikipedia on Mobile

Use a new feature by Wikipedia to look up interesting "nearby" places with their relevant Wikipedia articles. Also users can create new articles for some locations which do not have articles.

Wikipedia is a fantastic online resource one can literally spend hours on. Articles on Wikipedia can range from historical personalities, events to even current news. It also has a lot of details on cities and local areas. Especially if that local area is a tourist destination or has something interesting. If you look up Wikipedia on your smart-phone, you could look a new feature called “Nearby”.

Look it up and based on the location data from your mobile phone, it will show you interesting places from around where you are at the moment.

The “Nearby” option pulls up not just interesting places, they are also linked to their corresponding Wikipedia article. If you ever wanted to be a local expert on areas nearby your house, look up the locations without an article and you can start writing a Wikipedia article for that local place too.

This is potentially a must use feature of Wikipedia if you are travelling to a different city. Tourists will enjoy this a lot more as it will not just show places of interest but also why exactly they are interesting.

If you visit the mobile page of Wikipedia on your laptop browser, then too you should be able to see the “Nearby” option. But it works best with mobile phones where the location service is most accurate.

Do try out “Nearby” feature of Wikipedia on your phone and drop in your comments and views.


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