3 Tools To Search Files and Folders in Windows OS

Are you Microsoft Windows user having huge number of files and folders on your hard disk ? Sometimes for a quick reference it would be a difficult task to search missing files and folders. Today we have 3 free tools to search documents on a Windows system in a faster way. All these 3 utilities are free and can do a quicker search in your local directories.

Normally when you have a Windows OS, the default search process is time-consuming and when you go for some search tools like Windows search 4.0 or Google desktop search, they’re too heavy and consume a lot of system resources like memory, disk space etc. So, here we have light weight powerful search tools to find out the files and folders on your Windows OS.

#1. Everything

Everything is a powerful tool which is well-known for its fast searching capability and the main feature is it loads the whole hard disk database with in seconds. All you need is to type the keyword partial or a folder name, it will display all the files and folders related to the name. This free tool is available in installer version and also portable one.

#2. UltraSearch

Ultrasearch is a simple tool used for fast documents searching. Once the tool is downloaded, just double-click the .exe file and ready to use. Like other utilities, it also takes some seconds to fully load the database. Then, you need to enter the keyword or file name. Depending on your file capacity it takes some seconds to complete the search. It supports on all Windows versions even Windows 7 (both 32 and 64 bit)

3. DocFetcher

DocFetcher is a desktop search application: It allows you to search the contents of documents on your computer. You can think of it as Google for your local document repository. The application is available for Windows and Linux. You need Java Run Time environment to work perfectly.

If you know of any other search tools for looking up Files and Folders do share with us with your comments and views.

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