5 Rules to Follow Before You Monetize a Blog

There are many professional bloggers in the world. By professional, I mean someone who blogs for a living. Bloggers and their blogs might have their individual stories, but the common thread among most of them is that most bloggers start causally.

I have often interacted with new bloggers who write to me, asking me for advice on how to start monetizing their blog. I decided to write down 5 rules bloggers could follow before they start monetizing their blog.

Just a disclaimer before I start, these are not tips or tricks on SEO or making money from AdSense. They are just certain things common with almost all professional bloggers.

  1. Email addresses like hackerz4eva@example.com sound very cool. Most people (yours truly included) have tried to have such an cool sounding handle for email. But if you want to come across as a professional then such email addresses will not do. Make sure you have your name included in the email address.
  2. Always use your own name while publishing a post. Never publish posts under ‘Admin”. An Admin usually means someone who takes care of backend part of a website not the content part.
  3. Do not praise yourself unrealistically. Never call yourself a hacker, a millionaire, or even a success. The real ones never do. 😉
  4. Make sure you have an “About Us” page and pay very close attention to what your write on it. An “About Us” post with incorrect English or even worse false content can have a very bad impact on your reputation.
  5. Are you blogging for a career or for pocket money. There is nothing wrong with making a quick buck from your blog even at the cost of quality. But if you have chosen to make blogging into a career, the you will have to give it adequate respect.

These tips are not about making money but getting ready to make money. If you follow these tips, you will come across as someone who is serious about blogging.

Do you have more to add to this list? Do drop in your comments.

One Comment

Mitesh_soni@rocketmail.com September 14, 2012

These are the tips which are must.
really these five tips are small but they say a lot.

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