6 Great But Little Known Services from Google

Thinking that you’re a power user of Google services? Think again, I might be able to prove you wrong. 😉

We know, Google is much more than a search engine and many of its services are overlooked by many people. Here are the top 6 Google services you may not be knowing about but are pretty nifty.

#1. What do you love?

Previously mentioned WDYL (What do you love) shows results from different Google products for your search query. This one is extremely useful when you’re researching a topic or a person. Get started by entering a search query, you get results from Youtube, Google Blog search, Maps, Translate and many more Google products.


Link: What do you love

#2. PostRank

PostRank is an aggregator of social engagement data, it has been acquired by Google recently. PostRank also has developed many widgets and plugins, one such plugin is PostRank extension for Chrome. This extension filters out the most popular posts from the normal ones, it uses social statistics (Tweets, Facebook shares etc) to determine the quality of a post.

Link: PostRank

#3. Google Offers

Currently available only in USA, Google Offers helps you in finding the best deals in your area. All you have to do is, just subscribe to Google Offers and you get notified of amazing deals in your area. If you’re interested in any offer, you can buy the voucher via Google Checkout, print it and use it.

Google Offers Demo

Link: Google Offers

#4. Photovine

Photovine is a smart phone app made by Google which promises to make photo sharing more fun. It is still not released but you can always ask for an invite.

Photovine Demo

Link: Photovine

#5. Google Wallet

With Google Wallet, you can transform your smart phone into a wallet. Google is currently working on smart phones with inbuilt card readers, so the only plastic you need to carry is your phone. The card reader scans your credit card and stores virtual version of it in the micro chip of the mobile, so the next time you shop online, you can just tap and pay.

Link: Google Wallet

#6. A Google a Day

A Google a Day is a fun game where you get a new puzzle everyday and you need to use your search skills to solve it. Geeks love it. Checkout Inside Search if you’re looking for some Google search tips.

Link: A Google a Day

Which one of these services from Google did you like the best? Do drop in your comments.


Prem N July 21, 2011

Hi Vibin, Thanks for sharing this stuff. Really wonderful sites but not known to many … thanks again… 🙂

Jagan Mangat July 21, 2011

Fantastic Mr-Vibin,just heard about Google Wallet and WDYL.

Digital Imagination July 24, 2011

Nice services…

but these includes only some of the major list, there are some wonderful minute projects as well from google.

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