70 languages in which Facebook can be used

Today we are gonna write the long lists of languages in which you can access Facebbok. This availability of Facebook in different languages is one of the major rasons why Facebook is so popular worldwide. Currently Facebook is available in 70 different languages worldwide out of which 6 are Indian languages i.e Hindi, Punjabi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Bengali.

Below is the list of Facebook languages, if you are not sure which language it is then just rollover your mouse cursor on the the name and it will show you the related Engilsh name of that particular language.

To change your default Facebook language either click on anyone of the languages given below or simply click here.


TIP: Bookmarke this page cuz that might help you in a case you have switched to a different language that you aren’t familiar with, then just get back to this page and go to the Facebook languages page again by selecting a language from above 😉

LINK: Facebook languages

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