Since today morning my mail box started flooding with New Year Wishes and many sender did a common mistake is that, they sent mails to about hundreds of friends keeping every one of them in ‘To’ field. If you remember, few days ago, I posted on how to send Emails keeping the mail id of all addressees undisclosed. The main problem, in revealing names and mail id of people in your mailing list is that, many of your friends will start spying about you and the people in your contacts, also it will help spammers.
It is then, I felt the need to remind you of using the ‘BCC’ field while sending greetings to a group of people (say more than 15) as the address listed on BCC field will receive the mails, but unlike in the ‘To’ field, the mail ids of all other persons listed on ‘BCC’ field will remain undisclosed or secret. One more thing, if you are using Gmail, then do not forget that it has got a Email sending limit of 500. Hope this tip would help you and your friends.
Related: Hide Recipient ID while sending Group Email | Gmail – Email sending limit of 500