My Projects…

#Online Services

  • – This service gives RSS feed for Orkuts scrapbooks, communities & individual topics. The feed you get can be subscribed in any feed reader. These posts (1 & 2) have details about this.


  • Blogger To WordPress Redirection Plugin – If you have imported your blog from blogger ( then you might be redirecting visitors from your old blogspot blog to your new wordpress blogs HOMEPAGE. While this approach ensures you get all the traffic redirected from your old blog to new blog, a visitor may feel lost! What if a person is referred to your old blog via search engine or other link listings?  So this plugin just takes care of this part. It checks for which post people were looking on old blog and then redirect them to same post but on new blog!


  • Orkut Scrapbook Flooder Firefox Addon A firefox extension to flood Orkut Scrapbook. Please note that use of this addon violates Orkut ToS and your account may get suspended. Devils Workshop accepts no liability for any damage. It received 20000+ downloads.

#GreaseMonkey Scripts – All userscripts developed or enhanced by me are listed on this page at Also listing below few of my favorites…

[Last Updated: 4 March, 2008 ]


Johnson August 7, 2008

Please consider a to self hosted redirection plugin for ur upcoming projects … 🙂

Rahul Bansal August 8, 2008

Sure buddy. I am aware about delay on this issue.
I will surely check possibilities with blogs.

@rahul January 1, 2009

I dont think you can redirect blog to self hosted domain using a plugin. best u can do is to pay 10$ to automattic (company behind and they will let u redirect the subdomain on to ur wordpress installation.

Rahul Bansal January 3, 2009

First I never used apart from opening an account for the sake of API key required for Akismet so I am not aware of any such solution they offer.
But $10 is really affordable so I would recoomend it to anyone who seeking something like this in feature.

Only doubt I have is, whether they redirect entire subdomain to new domain we specify or even support maintaining permalinks?
If possible, please try to find an answer for this as this is crucial in maintaining all SEO your earlier subdomain had.

@rahul January 3, 2009

they can only move to a new parent domain but not to a subdomain or folder. You can pretty much maintain the whole permalink structure. It never seems to create a problem. I tried this for my blog at

Rahul Bansal January 3, 2009

As long as they are maintaining permalinks, there won’t be any problem.

hemali pawar July 15, 2009

please if u hav any project of be level then send it on my id