Admins can remove creators of Facebook pages

Facebook has made changes to its policy on how Facebook pages will be administered. Facebook pages will now allow admins to remove other admins including the admin who has created the page in the first place. This is a small change but a big step in the direction of Facebook pages becoming a completely independent entity without needing to be tied up to a profile.

Image: Devils’ Workshop Facebook Page

This will actually help companies have control over they Facebook pages especially if they have outsourced it to third party members to update and respond to pages. At times someone might create a page and manage it for a while but not be associated with that company anymore. In this regards it would be crucial for businesses to have the ability to remove the admin and created of the page.

Some other may not be as happy as it might mean that a person who has been given admin rights might abuse those rights and remove the creator and literally take over that page. This is where creators will have to be more sensible and thoughtful about who they want to grant the admin privilege in the first place.

Do check out Fbknol’s Facebook page.

Do you own a Facebook page? What are your views on this new change to Facebook pages admin rights? Do let us know through your views.

(via AllFacebook)

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