All new things on Google at one place!

Google is a very large company and they have more than a few products and services which people are interested in. I personally was more interested in Google Search and Gmail. Slowly I became a fan of Google Earth, Google Reader, Google Analytics etc. Get the picture? Because I blog about tech the next logical step was to subscribe to all the blogs which Google runs for its services. Google New products is a page which shows exactly whats new that Google is churning out.

Google is a very large company and they have more than a few products and services which people are interested in. I personally was more interested in Google Search and Gmail. Slowly I became a fan of Google Earth, Google Reader, Google Analytics etc. Get the picture? Because I blog about tech the next logical step was to subscribe to all the blogs which Google runs for its services.

Google New products is a page which shows exactly what’s new, that Google is churning out.

If you are keen on following Google and its various dedicated Twitter account you might want to read follow everything Google does on Twitter.

Wondering about all the blogs that Google keeps to give information about its various services? You can look that up at this blog directory.

I see that Google makes looking up information for its services a lot more easier than any other internet company does. For instance try searching for the actually landing page to download Internet Explorer 9 beta version or even search for what is new with Yahoo or Bing.

What are your views on this? Do drop in your comments.

Source: Google Blog

One Comment

ganesha September 25, 2010

nice information that give me benfied form ur infom ..
pls continue……

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