Bigger flat-panel TVs posing a danger to kids

image1 Recent reports indicate that new flat-screen televisions that balance on narrow, less-stable stands have been falling on children at an alarming rate world over, with very often deadly outcomes.

Nearly 17,000 children were rushed to emergency rooms in 2007, after a heavy or unstable furniture fell on them. Studies reveal that to date, injuries from televisions alone account for almost half of the 17,000 injuries (i.e., 47 %).

Dymounique Wilson, one of Brinkley’s two daughters, died a few days back when the family’s 27-inch television fell over on her.

Gary Smith, director of the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital says:

“Three-quarters of the victims of falling furniture are younger than 6 years old, and children that age simply don’t recognize the danger of climbing on furniture.”

There has been an increase in the popularity of bigger flat-panel TVs along with the entertainment centers that have narrow and unstable stands to hold them. Since 2004, manufacturers have been trying to solve the issue, however, the bulkier products don’t seem to fly well in the market place, where everyone wants to go for the sleek look.

Smith adds:

“Until laws are strengthened to mandate safety straps and anchor mechanisms, parents are largely on their own in making sure their homes are safe. Fortunately, following a few simple prevention steps can reduce the likelihood of an injury.”

Till now you worried about your child’s eyesight while he was watching TV sitting too close. Now you have another reason to worry about… tipping TV sets, that could even cost someone’s life!

(Source: msnbc)

(Image Credits: av-glass-furniture | cnstores)

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