Blogger makes Template Designer available to all

Almost every budding blogger starts of with blogger and then moves on to WordPress. Now that I am blogging professionally and surrounded by professional Bloggers I tend to forget many thousands of bloggers are not professional and basically end up blogging as a way to express their opinions rather than to make a living. Blogger now has released its template designer as default for everyone and not only in its draft section.

According to Google there are over 350,000 words published with blogger platform every minute. It is pretty smart that Blogger is not trying to compete with WordPress but making itself a better platform for budding bloggers and writers who do not want to really look at blogging as a business.

Blogger a few months ago also introduced the option of creating pages and now improved ways to customize templates.

Here is a video which explains Blogger’s new features for template designer.

Have you been using Blogger templates lately? Do let us know your views about Blogger through your comments.

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