Check two files with text for differences within seconds with diffChecker

If you are a professional web designer most times you will have tools or features in the software you use to write code to help check where code is different from another. But sometimes amateurs and also writers need to see the differences between two bits of text to quickly see where something was missed.

If you are a professional web designer most times you will have tools or features in the software you use to write code to help check where code is different from another. But sometimes amateurs and also writers need to see the differences between two bits of text to quickly see where something was missed.

diffChecker is one such web service where I could upload two different text files and get any differences between the text of those files.

About diffChecker

  • diffChecker is very easy to use and the best feature of it is a novice can also use it immediately. Also there is no need to sign up or register with the website to use this feature. 🙂
  • I sometimes write a post and then improve on it. To learn what mistakes I make at the beginning I tried to use this tool by comparing how much I had to improve upon.
  • This tool is ideal to check a backup file of a HTML code and compare it with another file you have been working on to see where exactly you might have deviated or changed course.

If you liked using this tool you might want to check on a web site which helps checking if you are using certain words repetitively.

Do try out diffChecker and let me know if you know of any other similar tools by dropping in your comments.


Pankaj July 2, 2010

Hey, thanks for the link. I use Diff tool almost everyday, but haven’t come across this tool yet. Will try it for sure. There are other free tools also available for the diff, WinMerge, being the most popular one.

Aditya Kane July 2, 2010

Thank will check out WinMerge. 🙂

ravi July 5, 2010

i use diffmerge on my machine – it can check two folders for all files . check it out at .

Suneel July 9, 2010

I use WinXP Manager’s difference checker in order to compare files now and then.

I would add this tool to my collection now.

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