Check if your website is mobile friendly

If someone says ‘the internet‘ our minds immediately pulls up an image of someone on a PC or a Notebook. Hence the priority of website design is usually on how a person using a PC or Notebook might perceive it. A report suggests that over 20 Million people access websites through their mobile devices every single day.

  • Mobile Validator is an online tool which can help you find out, how mobile friendly is a particular website. Just visit the Validator W3C website and enter the URL and click on Check.
  • It will carry out a bunch of tests and show results on if the website is mobile friendly or not.

I tested some popular websites with Mobile Validator.


This test proves the should work absolutely fine being accessed with any mobile device. The image shows the results after the test. is obviously not a URL which is mobile friendly. The result “This page is not mobile friendly” was actually surprising and I did not really expect to fail the test. when tested did much better than MSN. It scored a 93/100 3 tests failed out of 50. This does mean that some mobile devices might have issues viewing

So if you have a website or a blog which you plan to make it available online, you might want to lookup Mobile Validator to carry out certain benchmarks for the website.


Shahab November 22, 2009

Just checked my site and got 98/100!
I think its fine!

Aditya Kane November 25, 2009

I am glad it was helpful for you to test your website. 🙂

Ravi Rajvanshi December 7, 2010

Thanks a Lot. Useful article for me.

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