Chinese Facebook- Renren about to win the IPO race

Have you heard about the Facebook's Chinese version? :P It is called renren-which means everyone. :D Renren is a social networking website in China.

Have you heard about the Facebook’s Chinese version? 😛 It is called renren which means everyone. 😀 Renren is a social networking website in China.

Renren is a six-year-old company that is called as “the Facebook of China”. Well the news is it may be the first social networking site to go all public. It is estimated to have 22m active users, renren is the largest site of its kind in China.

Facebook may go public in may 2010, which is estimated to be $600 million. Along with this there are other websites also that are planning to go public including Twitter and YouTube.

What do you think ? Point is will Facebook really go all public or it’s just rumors ? What if Facebook wants to continue with its privacy. Share your views with me on this .

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