Compare the speed at which You Tube videos are streamed by your ISP

Compare the speed at which You Tube videos are streamed by your ISP with a service provided by You Tube. Comparison of data is done one a ISP, City, State, Country and Global basis to let your know where you stand.

You Tube is a service which was wholly reliant on hi-speed internet connectivity. You Tube started about five years ago when most western countries had broadband easily available. Now hi-speed internet access is readily available around the globe and that has seen You Tube grow exponentially.

But what about your ISP? How fast do videos stream on your browser thanks to your ISP. I sure would like to compare the speed and see where I stand regarding other Internet Service Providers around.

You Tube has a tool called My Speed which actually allows you to check and compare speed of You Tube videos streaming on your connection.

About You Tube Video Speed History

  • When I used it on my computer it showed Video Speed comparison in the last month. Here my ISP is way below what is average speed for Pune (city where I reside), India and Global speed.
  • It is useful to note that most time click on a Video and wait till it gets completely stream. While doing so I surf around and check websites. This be slowing down the video streaming speed and I might not get an accurate picture.
  • I was out of town for a few days in the time it checked for speed variation and my ISP had changed along with City so this might have also had its effect.

So try out You Tube Video Speed History for yourself and compare the speed at with You Tube is streamed over your Internet connection. This is not a speed test for the internet but only for You Tube. You might also want to read up how India compare to the world when it comes to broadband internet.


Akash Vedi April 23, 2010

thanks for this useful article:)
i am also getting low speed 🙁

Aditya Kane April 24, 2010

you are welcome… it is interesting the download speed from my ISP is pretty decent but videos streams speed is not.

JOHNMOSES April 24, 2010

thanks for this useful POST…..

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