Create and save images with flame effects: Flame Painter

Have you ever thought of playing with fire? I discovered that I could while going through this Photoshop tutorial by Sebastiano.

The Flame Painter is a java enabled online application which enables the user to create visuals using flames. The purpose behind creating this interface was to ensure that everyone can be an artist. The tool is easy to understand with a few basic features common to most illustration oriented software.Apart from setting the HSB, there are other features such as noise, focus, opacity, chaos and most importantly eraser. After creating your artwork, the unique feature which distinguishes this application from the others created by Blaskovic, is that it can be saved. The saved image opens up a new tab from where you can download it your computer.

Screenshots created with Flame Painter

Here is another one…

The other options apart from the Flame Painter include the Fluid Painter, Pixel Animator as well as online games such as The Others and Fluidz. For me though, Flame Painter steals the show. It’s a visual treat and an excellent stress buster. It is actually quite addictive.

Let me know what you guys think about it and drop in any similar online tools you know about through your comments.

Link: Flame Painter


Hannan October 30, 2010

Wow this was actually quite helpfull, way more easier than working with photoshop and creating similar effects ! 🙂

Thanks for sharing !


neha November 1, 2010

Its reali nice !!! love the pic !!

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