Create full RSS feeds of short content with WizardRSS

Create full RSS feeds from short RSS feeds which only show some summary of a article along with the title. With WizardRSS such RSS feeds can be converted to full feeds to be viewed by a reader

As a blogger I end up subscribing to many feeds and one of the key issues I have with some websites and their RSS feeds is that the feeds only show the title of the page along with a short summary. This can be a little annoying as in many cases the post itself is not really interesting but title is quite interesting. This means you have to visit the URL for reading the complete post or article.

Here WizardRSS comes to the rescue.

About WizardRSS

  • WizardRSS is a great service where all you have to do is enter the RSS URL which show short content and with a single click you can get a new RSS feed for the same URL but through WizardRSS which shows the entire article.
  • A cool feature of it is that I did not even have to visit the WizardRSS website for creating the full RSS feeds. I could do it directly but adding something before the URL address.
  • For example, to create a full RSS feed of just add before feed address. Which means will show the RSS feeds with their full articles.

I found this quite useful and it even worked fine with certain search results I had created RSS feeds or even checking webpage changes with Google Reader.

Do try it out WizardRSS and let me know what do you think about it? Do drop in your comments with your views and any new similar tools you might be using for creating long RSS feeds of short ones.


Harsh Agrawal April 8, 2010

Nice Find Aditya. Most of time I read feeds via Feed0demon the Feed software which I use. I unsubscribed from many feeds because they don’t allow reading complete content.. This will be very handy for many…

Aditya Kane April 8, 2010

I know what you mean, short feeds are very irritating.

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