Customizing links of your social networking profiles

In the last couple of years, the use of social networking sites like Myspace, Facebook & Orkut boomed over the Internet. Many people started meeting each other using these social networks and in the mean while, profiles on these sites became the real identity in this virtual world. For instance, few days ago, when I had a talk with one of my childhood friend, she asked me my profile link on Orkut and to my dismay, I was having nothing to answer her. 🙁

You all must be aware that, social networking sites (like Orkut) does not provide a short profile URL which you can memorize easily. And hence, you always need to copy-paste your profile URL whenever a friend asks you for it. To solve this problem, today I am writing a short guide to customize URL of your social networking profiles.

Well there are 2 easy ways to do that:

  • The first is, make use of some services that provide a facility to shorten your URL
  • Alternatively, you can register a free domain (some of them listed here) and divert them to your actual profile pages.

A step by step guide, to use both the procedure are mentioned below:

Procedure 1:


p align=”justify”>This is the simplest way of customizing social profile URL and is advisable too..
For Orkut users: Just visit this site, enter your Orkut profile or community link and your desired id.
( Example of customized links that I created are- and )


p align=”justify”>For Facebook users: Same step is to be followed as done in the previous case.
( Example: )


p align=”justify”>As mentioned, above procedure is the simplest possible way and can be done even by a rookie 🙂 But the only disadvantage is that, I am unable to find any such service for other social networks like Myspace and Hi5 🙁
If you do know any such site, please let us know.

Procedure 2:


p align=”justify”>Register a domain, at some free domain providers (Preferred one is CO.CC) and divert it to your actual profile pages.
I’ve done that by by creating my own domain- and diverted it to my Orkut home page 🙂
By using the second method, your profile links can be shortened further and can also be used for other networking sites like Myspace & Hi5. The only point in using this method is, it is bit clumsy and takes few hours to get the whole thing done 🙁


p align=”justify”>This is the best effort I could give on this post.
If you stuck anywhere please let us know using comment form.

Links: Locaworld | Faceto | Free domain registration


Pavan Kumar November 2, 2008

Hey, why forget tinyurl, they also provide custom alias too….

A good article…

Stumbled… 🙂

Deepak November 2, 2008

@Pavan Kumar
Yep.. Not only tinyurl.. there any ‘killos’ of such service.
But I wanted to be specific to services dedicated for social networks 🙂

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