Delicious sold to YouTube Founders!

delicious_soldBack in March, there were rumors out that Yahoo will be selling Delicious to StumbleUpon. Today the uncertainty over the fate of Delicious bookmarking service is over. It has been bought by Chad Hurley and Steve Chen who were founders of YouTube.

Earlier Yahoo has planned to shut-down Delicious but with outrage by many internet groups, it decided that it will end up selling Delicious instead of closing it down. This shows how much, Yahoo was aware of the popularity of their own service.

Challenges for new owners of Delicious!

Delicious bookmarks was exclusive and simple. It was not ever meant to be a Stumbleupon or a Digg like service. This does mean less volumes of sharing bookmarks will happen but quality ends up high.

The new owners of Delicious, will have to make delicious more social at the same time manage to make sure users still find it useful and there is no information overload which seems to happen with other bookmarking services.

At the moment, when users sign into their Delicious account, users are prompted to give permission to Delicious to move the bookmarks from Yahoo to the new owner.

I think YouTube, which is Google on real product which is social and yet successful. So YouTube founders might be able to meet these challenges quite well.

What are your views? Will you stay with Delicious or move to them to Google Bookmarks? Do drop in your comments.

Source: Delicious Blog


santosh April 30, 2011

at last yahoo sold it, but good news is that now it is in right hand and we can expect something more from delicious

Aditya Kane April 30, 2011

Yes, now we can hope to see something new and interesting!

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