[How-To] Get The Old Facebook Layout Back

Don’t like the new Facebook design? Bored of it? Do you think that the old Facebook was more user-friendly, neat and clean? Then you have landed on the right place! Though you won’t be able to achieve the exact old layout, but the layout you will have will be much like the old Facebook layout!

Here is a simple trick by which you can get the old layout of Facebook (almost old one) when you would install a userscript. You need Firefox & Greesemonkey to use it. You can refer to this post for help.

This script is not created by me but I have combined 2 scripts (by sizzlemctwizzle & Erich Schubert) which when installed, changes your Facebook’s new layout into the old one. You can find the userscript here.

This script will do the following things:

  • Turns the Facebook into 2 column layout. (This part is by Erich Schubert)
  • Removes: (This part is by sizzlemctwizzle)
    1. Third Party Application Profile Boxes
    2. Gifts
    3. Third Party Wall Attachment Links
    4. Nagging to invite user on homepage
    5. Advertisements
    6. Rounded Image Corners
    7. Sponsor Highlight
    8. “Home” Navigation Link
    9. Your Name Navigation Link
    10. Find Friends Link (Use the Search if you want to find someone)
    11. Expand the filters

Note – The script won’t work on all the pages as Facebook has a tricky type of coding (we can’t say tricky, but it is something by which it can eliminate the userscripts installed or the JavaScript you want to run). But you will see the old layout on which facebook wouldn’t have implemented that!

Now, if you want some explanation about the tricky coding, then here it is.

http://www.facebook.com/home.php – You will see the script in action in the URLs of this type. (But still, on some URLs like this, it may not work)

http://www.facebook.com/reqs.php#/home.php?ref=logo – Now you may or may not see the script in action in this type of URL as there is a “#” in the URL.

If you want to check if the script is working on a particular page or not, then just check if the top bar displays the “Home” button. If it does, then the script is not working for that page and if it doesn’t then it means that the script is working on that page.


Old Layout of Facebook

(Click on the Images to enlarge)


p style=”text-align: justify;”>Links: Facebook | Userscript


p style=”text-align: justify;”>Source: Sizlopedia


Bapun March 23, 2009

Good one. It will help may facebook fans.

Gautam March 23, 2009

4th one 😛

I have also heard about another hack. I tried it but it didn’t work, that’s why I didn’t publish it. But i saw it at many places, so if anyone wants to try, then they can go here: fixfacebook[dot]com (I don’t take any responsibility if anything happens to your id by this hack (the one given in comment)

The one in the post is safe.

Joecaloric March 23, 2009

“I have also heard about another hack. I tried it but it didn’t work, that’s why I didn’t publish it. But i saw it at many places, so if anyone wants to try, then they can go here: fixfacebook[dot]com”

The reason that doesn’t work is that it is a fix for the LAST update of Facebook back in September 2008. At the time, it reverted you to the pre-September version, but that is not totally lost in the past.

Ashley May 31, 2009

The reason I want the old facebook back, well for one the new one sux, and second the new one won’t let me log in! I get to the homepage than to sign in, but it either tells me its done with errors, or it does nothing. Is there something wrong with my computer and it doesn’t like the new version? lol..hint hint This is going on a month and I can’t get on it, but I can through my cell phone, or other computers….I don’t know what to do.

hanum October 26, 2009

so nice posting. Thank’s for info sharing ^_^

Carol Ann DeBerry December 10, 2009

Facebook will not let me log in. Keeps saying wrong email/password combination. But everything is correct. This has happened before. WHY?? I love facebook because it helps me to keep in contact easier with family and friends but I am getting to the point that I am wondering if I should close my facebook account. Please tell me what is going on!

dennis celet December 8, 2010

I clicked get new profile by accident yesterday so i deleted my fa and while de-activating it i wrote in the explanation box that i deleted it because i hated the new layout so much. I reactivated it 30 min ago and i have the “old layout” back. This has been working for all my friends too. Facebook can’t risk losing users

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