Is Email Dead or Will it Survive? [Infographic]

I hardly use e-mail to keep in touch with school friends or family members online. I end up using social media. This rise in social media has led to the notion that email might be dead in the near future.

Here is a infographic by visiblegains showing how Email is alive and kicking along with growing every year. Which is true for me too, as on an overall basis, I use email a lot more than ever.

There were 107 trillion emails sent in the past year, that is 3.3 million emails per second. Even if email is well and alive, on the downside a massive 45% of all email is spam.


What are your views on the future of Email? Do drop in your comments.

Related: How to setup Google Apps on your Domain


Hamad Kashif December 31, 2011

Umm.. Email will stay but, not in this way. Today, we’ll have to open our mail account and read the mails manually but, in future, it will be different and im sure about it.

Gagan January 2, 2012

Email sure will exist in future as well, but it might take some other form for instance, something more like google wave or something much more innovative/creative. The only thing we can count on is that, its only the users who will decide the fate of any upcoming technologies in email, if its easier to use, people will accept, if its not, people will let it go…..

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