5 Announcements Expected at Google I/O 2012

Google I/O 2012 seems to be the showcase event where Google, will roll-out a lot of new features, updates and more. Last year, Google did introduce Chromebooks, which although are not very successful commercially, has been a favourite among many schools and universities in US and Europe.

This year too, there are a lot of expectations form Google I/O. Lets take a look at the 5 most anticipated announcements.

1. Android Jellybeans

Even though very few Android based smart-phones have Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), all indicatoins suggest that Google will roll-out Android Jellybeans. It was only a rumour before, but recently it is more or less has become a confirmed announcement.

Yesterday, Google confirmed Jellybeans, by unvieling this Jellybean filled Android statue on its laws.

Android Jellybeans might be a sure thing but its version number is not yet confirmed. It could be Android 4.1 or even Android 5.0. That apart, Google will have to do something to get OEMs to push Android updates a lot faster than they have been doing, which has led to a sort of fragmentation. This fragmentation actually creates a lot of issues for developers, who are the heart and soul of the Android ecosystem.

2. Nexus 7

Google has been rumoured for a long time to be working on releasing a tablet. The leaked specifications on Nexus 7, have rumour mills going that Google will pull off a low priced tablet that will run on Android Jellybeans. This would put is as a viable option to Amazon’s Kindle Fire.

Google might unveil a completely different tablet but whatever it does, it is probably a good step as Android based tablets are really not catching anyone’s attentions at the moment.

3. Google Drive

Google Drive was earlier but we have not seem many updates and improvement on it. At he moment Google Drive API works only for web apps which have to be installed from the Chrome webstore. This sort of makes Google Drive on the web only useful on Chrome. I guess they will roll out more features and options to make better use of Google Drive.

4. Google + Motorola

Google has recently acquired Motorola at a very heavy price. So there is a natural expectation that Google will put that talent to good use with a showcase new smartphone or a range of new phones in partnership with Motorola. At the moment its Nexus phone is sold by Samsung, while the Nexus 7 tablet seem to be built by Asus. Nothing heard about Motorola as yet, but pretty sure will hear something interesting about it.

5. Google+ Features and API access

Google+ was launched late last year but capture a great deal of media. People are already writing it off as a play where not one really visits. But with social media becoming more oriented towards mobile phones, Google+ might see some interesting new features.

Most importantly, there is a chance Google+ API is made available for app developers. It was already rolled out to Flipboard, a mobile based feed reader app.

Google I/O Curse for new announcements?

Google has not always hit the bull’s eye with all their announcements. If you remember duds like Google Wave, Google TV and to an extent Chromebooks have been all announced at previous Google I/O. Hopefully Google will a lot more success with their new products in 2012.

Follow Google I/O 2012 on their official page where all the conferences will be streamed live.

What do your expect from Google I/O over the next three days? Do drop in your comments.

One Comment

phpflow June 28, 2012

i am waiting new updates of android.

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