Extra Emoji brings over 1000 emoticons to Gmail

A picture's worth a thousand words. And it gets better when you have more than a thousand to choose from! With Gmail’s new Extra Emoji Icons, you can add more than 1000 emoticons in your emails. Good news - Now you get a chance to express better without words. Bad news - Now you spend ages wondering which emoticon to use when and where!

A picture’s worth a thousand words. And it gets better when you have more than a thousand to choose from! With Gmail’s new Extra Emoji Icons, you can add more than 1000 emoticons in your emails.

Good news – Now you get a chance to express better without words.

Bad news – Now you spend ages wondering which emoticon to use when and where!

All these extra emoticons come from the so called “secret underground labs” of some top Japanese mobile carriers. Of course, Gmail has taken the permission to use them.

The icons are divided into 13 different categories, the first two being the standard ones from Gmail. Some of the new stuff includes animals, various road signs, national flags, and animated icons.


Enable your extra Emoji icons:

Just follow the simple steps below:

  1. Login to your Gmail account
  2. Go to the ‘Labs’ tab under Settings
  3. Scroll down to the ‘Extra Emoji’ option
  4. Check the ‘Enable’ box
  5. Hit ‘Save Changes’ button

Bingo! You got it…

(Source: Gmail blog)


Gautam May 1, 2009

First Quote:
A picture’s worth a thousand words.

Second Quote:
you can add more than 1000

1000*1000 = 1000000
means if we put 1000 emotions, we wwould have unintentionally written 1000000 words 😛

Third Quote:
Bad news – Now you spend ages wondering which emoticon to use when and where!

Yea, that’s correct! 😛

Swati May 2, 2009

@ Gautam,
LOL… I like the way you broke this down. 🙂

Brooke June 8, 2009

Have you noticed, since your screenshot, they have removed all bomb and gun Emojis? I can’t find any mention anywhere as to why they removed them. I’m mad!!

Rahul Bansal June 16, 2009

Its lab feature. It may change anytime in anyway!

Ivan December 12, 2011

I enabled the emojis, but I don’t know how to use them! Can someone help me?

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