Facebook “Account Temporarily Unavailable” error!

This is a quick post to inform you people that some of the Facebook profiles and pages are not available at the moment due to some site issue. You will be getting this error:

Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minutes.

fb down

For your information this doesn’t mean that Facebook permanently deleted your Facebook profile. It’s just a site issue or a fault at their end. There might be two reasons for this unavailability, first one is that the load on Facebook exceeds it’s capability. And second one is that the website is under maintenance or they might be launching any new feature and testing it in background on some profiles.

Facebook accounts will be up soon, check this space for more updates.

(Last updated: August 17th 2011 @14:53 IST.)

Update 1:
Few accounts are back including mine but some are still down.

(Updated: August 17th 2011 @15:00 IST.)


sam August 17, 2011

it just happened to mine, a little warning would be nice

Sauravjit August 18, 2011

Yes, thankfully profiles are up now.