Facebook admits the Need to Improve their Policies!

Facebook's European director of policy,Richard Allan has admitted that the site needs to improve it's security. The data that users delete form Facebook should be removed from site forever and permanently. Nice thought I must say.

Facebook’s European director of policy,Richard Allan has admitted that the website needs to improve its security. The data that users delete form Facebook should be removed from site forever and permanently. Nice thought I must say.

People are always worried about what they wrote on Facebook when they were angry or just kidding. Now we all know that Facebook keeps the user’s data somewhere with them in the data center. The problem here is that some people are afraid these things can come in their way of getting selected somewhere.

When people write rude comments or things that shouldnt be written and the recruiter reads them from Facebook that sounds scary! Well , the director also said that

Hard cases make bad law and that the majority of the people using Facebook want a guarantee that their data will stay on the service, rather run the risk of any of it being deleted.

He also mentioned that Facebook user’s data comes on Google’s search result. When asked why that couldn’t be removed , he said that users had wanted the service to do so in order to push other links they didn’t like about themselves down the search engine list.

Well even I think the user’s data should be removed as and when the user wants it to be. What do you think? Share your thoughts with me here.

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