Facebook Changes Your Contact Email to “Facebook.com”

Facebook does not necessarily have bad privacy options. It has a bad reputation regarding privacy options. This lack of trust is not going to reduce anytime soon, especially given the new stunt Facebook has pulled for all users.

Facebook has quietly gone and changed the email address you left in your contact information, on your Facebook profile.

So if you had left your contact email as xyz@gmail.com , Facebook has conveniently hidden it and now only shows username@facebook.com (username is your Facebook ID).

Check and change back your contact email address

On your profile, click on the About section as shown in the image above.

As you can see, my email address has changed from my personal one to the one assigned by Facebook. Now change the settings of your Facebook address as not visible on Timeline. Change over the settings for your personal email as visible on Timeline.

Make sure your email address is visible to only Friends – as you might accidentally make your personal email id as public.

The problem is not really ‘privacy’ but when I put up my contact email address to show up on my Facebook profile, I would expect Facebook to notify me about the change in advance before changing it.

This penchant of Facebook for changing settings and options for users without proper communication has actually made me use my Facebook profile more or less only for public updates.  If I want to share my birthday photos with friends, I email them a link to it. And that email does not end with “facebook.com”.

What are your views on Facebook changing which email of yours is to be seen? Do drop in your comments.

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