Facebook creator was in Pune, India

facebook_creator_indiaFacebook creator Mark Zuckerberg has been holidaying in India. That’s not a biggie, but he was apparently in Pune. rtBlogs office is located in Pune.

So there was a bit of excitement that the fountainhead of Facebook was in the same city we were. He visited the Osho Ashram which is a commune for meditation. Now I was more excited as Osho Commune was in the same locality where rtBlogs office is located.

He was in India for over a week and left on 5th on Jan. Mark Zuckerberg has a fan page on Facebook. On it he has pasted a photograph of him with a cryptic message saying it was taken in India while vacationing. The photograph has him with a friend and a child posing with an elephant in the background. The message was that he he was vacationing in India and was checking out some cities.

Back to the thoughts on Mark Zuckerberg vacationing in the neighborhood of our office. Well we would love to say we saw him on the road to our office and brought him in to visit, took photographs with him and offered him tea. Well sorry folks nothing like that happened but we still can contact the elephant who posed with Zuckerberg. ;-P

Link: DNA India


sachin khandge January 6, 2011

its good think to connect the people in simple way.

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