Facebook for Beginners

This post might not be useful for most of the regular users of this blog, but this is actually dedicated to thousands of internet users who have just started using Facebook and found it a little bit typical.Well let me clear you one thing that it's is Facebook and don't compare it with orkut as it's totally different.Just use it calmly and don't try to explore everything of Facebook in just few minutes as that actually creates confusion.

This post might not be useful for most of the regular users of this blog, but this is actually dedicated to thousands of internet users who have just started using Facebook and found it a little bit typical.Well let me clear you one thing that it’s is Facebook and don’t compare it with orkut as it’s totally different.Just use it calmly and don’t try to explore everything of Facebook in just few minutes as that actually creates confusion.

Some basics of Facebook:

Check the Homepage screenshot below.

Facebook Homepage for DW

1.This is the Navigation bar of Facebook from where you actually operates everything.

Home: Link to your homepage

Profile: Your public profile which is visible to you and your friends only by default.

Friends: Use this to see your recently added friends or all of your friends, there recent updates and every info about them.You can also get your friend’s phone number in this tab if it’s set to be shared by them.

Inbox: To compose or read a message in your inbox.

Sj Singh: It will be your name in your profile 😛 .Works as same as Profile button discussed above.

Settings: Use this button to change your account or privacy settings.You can change your name, e-mail, content privacy mobile device info, language and networks here.By default the settings are perfect for a normal user so you may lave this section.

Logout: (difficult one :D) It is used to logout form your profile and current Facebook session.Always use this in a public computer.

2.This is used for updating your status.Basically it’s same as orkut but it’s much more advanced than that of orkut.You can share text,photos,videos and your favourite links too.

3.This is a filter by which you can refine updates (described in 6.) from your friend and public pages according to status, photos, links, videos e.t.c.

4.These are invitations from your friends of different applications, quiz, groups or pages.

5.Random highlights of your friends.It tells us about our friends that what they are doing on facebook.These highlights are simply defined and easy to understand.

6.These are all the updates from your friends ordered according to the date and time., that means most recent will be shown first. (Use 3. to filter results)

7.It shows all the activities of your friends of last few months.You can use it to see photos,videos, groups and events of your friends.

8.My favourite Facebook instant messaging.Use it to chat directly to your online friends.You can also use this to make or manage a friend list.On the right of Facebook Chat, there is a notification button which is once again helps you to get updated from your friend’s updates.

Profile Page:

On the profile page the most important thing is the wall which is actually the scrapbook of Facebook, that is the publicly shared messages.

Leave us a comment if there’s still a confusion and explore Facebook as much as you can to learn more about it. 😉

[Editor’s Note: This post is submitted by our guest blogger Sauravjit, the author of musicnlifestyle.

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Sajitha July 28, 2009

Facebook is now available in Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam. Beginners can use Facebook in any of these languages.
Thanks to Sauravjit for a useful posting.

sauravjit July 28, 2009

Yups plus it’s language translation is awesome too 🙂

By the way your welcome 🙂

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