Facebook has sent out invites to the Press for an event on March 7, 2013. The invite has a simple message, which is announcing a new look for the ‘news feed’.
One place where people spend most of their time on Facebook is looking through their news feeds. The design of the current News Feed is based on how it best looks on a desktop/laptop browser. But with Facebook being increasingly consumed on mobile and tablet screens, a new design was more or less expected.
Compared to say Google+ or even Flipboard (which is an app not a social network), the main news feed design of Facebook is boring, especially on mobile platforms.
News Feed design of Google+

News Feed design of Facebook

‘News Feed’ is the Money Earner for Facebook
Though one might wonder what is the big deal about a redesigned ‘News Feed’ for Facebook. It is actually a very big deal because it is also where Facebook will be displaying some of its ads or sponsored updates.
It will be interesting to see whether Facebook gets it right or wrong.
It will be really interesting to watch new user experience design of their news feed. Yesterday I also got a information that they also experimenting with the design of Facebook timeline and Currently it is live in New Zealand. So I think Very soon Facebook will get a new outlook.
@Animesh: I have read of some new designs in the work. One mainly being a profile layout having only a single column and not double one. Facebook keeps changing as an experiment some design features all the time but nothing major seems planned as far is timeline design is concerned at the moment.
It will be interesting to see weather Facebook gets it right or wrong.
spelling of weather is wrong , plz write “whether” 😉
@Geeko: Thanks for picking up that typo. Its corrected now. 🙂
is it going to copying Google+??
@Anil: I hope it won’t copy Google+ and do something great and original. But personally I am a big fan of Google+ feed layouts for mobile platforms.
Thanks for the update Aditya, I’m waiting for the new look.. Hope Facebook will pull it out nothing any hassles