Facebook, now world’s second most visited website

According to a recent update by world website ranking site alexa, Facebook is now world’s second most visited website. Earlier it was on third place while yahoo was on second, but now Facebook is on second but still it’s behind the world’s most visited website Google.


The reason of the popularity of Google is mainly due to the Google search engine Google.com which is the homepage of most of the browsers used by internet users from all over the world. That means whenever you open your browser for surfing you have to visit Google which increases it’s traffic ranking.

Few months back, Facebook was on forth place while the youtube was on third, but that time it easily got it’s #3 ranking. But now when Facebook is at second place, it’s not easy to beat Google to get the world’s number one site ranking. But who knows what’s gonna happen as Facebook just crossed it’s 300 million user profiles.

What actually makes Facebook popular is the availability of Facebook in 70 different languages worldwide. That makes it easy as well as interesting to use. Also it looks like Facebook will be impossible to be overtaken by any other social networking website in near future.

LINK: Alexa Facebook

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