Facebook Page Stories get a new look

You must have observed that when your friend likes a specific page you get a notification about it. The news is displayed with the number of people who like it and comments. Earlier that occupied alot of space on your homepage because it showed the details and comments. But now, Facebook has changed the way it looks.

You must have observed that when your friend on Facebook likes a specific page you get a notification about it. The news is displayed along with the number of people who like it and the comments. Earlier that occupied a lot of space on your homepage because it showed the details and comments. But now, Facebook has changed the way it looks.

In the image above you can see the change.

Now when somebody likes a page, you are not shown the details rather you will only be shown the number of people who have liked it and commented on it. If you wish you can view the details by clicking on the number of comments. 🙂

In my recent post I had mentioned how to get a cleaner Facebook wall, if Facebook continues to do such things we would not need Greasemonkey or things like that to clean your wall. 🙂 I like this feature and would love to see such updates from Facebook.

What do you think? Share your views with me through the comments. 🙂

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